The RSAC Nurses Without Borders Community Health Clinics...


RSAC Nurses Without Borders

2024-09-28 Statistics on the 2019-nCoV Coronavirus Outbreak
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NWOB mobile birthing and general health care units are The Nurses Without Borders' community health care clinics, a patient service-delivery outlet in hostile environments (like war zones and refugee camps or displaced person ghettos) that fit into a larger comprehensive Health Care plan designed for specific ethnic regions. The clinics are community health care outposts to a central hub providing full-service basic health care services plus some specialized advanced health care where indicated.

RSAC (RINJ Sexual Assault Clinics) are Nurse-led Community Health Team medical clinics at or nearby RINJ women's shelters treating women, children and their families in combat zones and refugee camps in Middle East Asia, South East Asia, and in Africa. New locations are planned.

RSAC Community Health-Team Nurse Standards of Practice
  1. In the conduct of its mandate The Nurses Without Borders has learned the best way to achieve its objectives is to offer OB/GYN full medical care to the community served by RSAC mobile or fixed units and to establish long-term relationships with female and child clients for the purpose of establishing and understanding in absolute privacy the complete range of needs of the patient. Any patient seen at our doorstep can be assumed to be a general health care patient and not a rape survivor. RINJ Women are focussed on women and children, not just rape survivors but gained its reputation from combatting gender-based-violence.
  2. Patients who report sexual assault crimes while their care is of absolute priority they are canvassed for as much information as possible about perpetrators so that any assistance they may provide is made available to investigators. All communication is absolutely private. The patient has the option of reporting the crime and seeking a prosecution in which they will participate. If that is the patient's decision the nurse follows the prescribed intake and forensic evidence collection procedure as set out in pre-intake, primary exam and forensic kit protocols.
  3. RINJ is pioneering "Team-Based Health Care". Mobile RSAC Team Leads are most likely to be an RN (Registered Nurse) but regionally they report to and are delegated by a Nurse Practitioner (NP). NPs are an integral part of The RINJ Foundations primary care teams strategy and lead the move to team-based medical practice in community settings.
  4. NPs are especially effective in refugee and combat regions as well as rural settings where there are shortages of doctors, and with patients who suffer a multitude of chronic illnesses and are ill-suited for a traditional seven-minute doctor's appointment.

The RSAC Nurse-led clincs offer free medical care to women, children and their families. Community related services such as victim advocacy, crisis hotlines, community outreach, & education programs are provided based on each RSAC's resources at the discretion of the local RSAC nurse-led team.
  • Trauma care;
  • Physical injuries treatment and minor surgery;
  • Sexually transmitted disease detection treatment and prevention;
  • Sexual assault forensic testing;
  • Pregnancy issues, from abortion to delivering your baby;
  • Legal course of action counseling;
  • Criminal prosecution assistance;
  • Mental health care; and
  • all needed follow-up care.

The RINJ Foundation's women's health care nurses at RSAC facilities provide a full range of outpatient & walk-in services to rape survivors, sexual assault & gender-based violence of other types. Some Nurses Without Borders Nurse-led clincs offer periodical educational & counseling services inside hospitals, community centers, refugee camps, & learning institutes.

Missing Persons

In certain RSAC operations it is possible our workers have contact with missing persons such as ISIL War Brides and other exploited women. If you believe you are missing such a family member you are invited to dialogue with us so that we may ascertain what if any information we can share.

Our goal is to find benefit for patients and in the case of minor children or youth, to see that they are if possible returned to the safety of their home. Follow this link for more information or simply contact us here.

The RSAC is caring for patients in absolute privacy and that is the first priority.

Satellite data networks securely access encrypted RSAC patient records from any RSAC location and VSee /TeleHealth medical video conferencing is available in some cases with remote medical and surgical specialists.

The mental health of the people we care for is extremely fragile. There are many triggers capable of causing their state of mind to rapidly deteriorate. Living conditions they are forced to face, memories of their ordeal, and uncertainty about what is going to happen to these women are factors contributing to thoughts of suicide and eventual deaths.

These are invisible wounds and the worst are among the female children. STD's and other traumatizing aspects always have the underlying problem of mental health issues which skilled nurses without borders treat during recurring patient visits. There is no charge ot the patient for this ongoing care.

Privacy of the patient is a foremost priority and exhaustive steps are taken to assure that privacy.

Some women seeking care in Northern Iraq & in Syria have shown fear on a religious basis. If the person is in our care it could be for a number of reasons including a full range of medical care including ingrown toe nails, non of which procedures anyone can assume and none we will reveal.

We need more volunteers and donations. Please help.

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Bibliography. Reading:
1) RINJ Is Building an ICC Case Against Each ISIL Rapist
2) ISIL/ISIS combatants. They are Sexually Violent Predators
3) Islamic State Cabinet Seeks & Recruits Sexually Violent Predators
Rape is a type of sexual assault *usually* involving sexual intercourse, which is initiated by one or more people against another person without that person's consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority or against a person who is incapable of valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, or below the legal age of consent.

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